Ffmpeg mkv to mp4 video passthrough audio stereo
Ffmpeg mkv to mp4 video passthrough audio stereo

ffmpeg mkv to mp4 video passthrough audio stereo

I tried also with the subtitle encoding mov_text and copy, but no luck. There is no error message and the resulting video includes a subtitle stream, but no subtitles are showed. Stream #0:3(ger): Subtitle: subrip (default)

ffmpeg mkv to mp4 video passthrough audio stereo

ffmpeg -i movie.mkv -c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 320k -c:s dvd_subtitle converted.mp4 The subtitles are included in the converted video with following ffmpeg command. Stream #0:2(ger): Subtitle: dvb_subtitle (default) Want to convert mkv files to mp4 (h264, mp3 and subtitles).

Ffmpeg mkv to mp4 video passthrough audio stereo